There’s a lot to be said about 2022, a lot of which I’d rather never say.
I worked with some of the best teams of my career—and a couple of the worst. There’s no time for plain incompetency.
Signed a few new clients who are utter rock stars. You know who you are. Thank you.
Was reminded that family isn’t necessarily who shares your blood, but more so your beliefs. Immensely thankful to be united with some of the latter this year.
Made new friends who I knew would be chosen family within a day of meeting them—even as we were running around the woods and working a job. Beyond grateful for chosen family.
Got burned by people who I thought were as interested in having me in their lives as I was them in mine. So I re-learned how to move on.
Shot fewer images than I have in years past, yet sold a higher number of those I shot. Market honing.
Was reminded that cultivating relationships in third-world airports can really be a lifesaver. Sometimes literally.
Caught a few good fish—and lost the biggest one of my career.
Watched a good friend die. And buried another.
Learned that life’s too short to work with people who don’t value what you bring to the table.
Got cursed out at Thanksgiving dinner. Walked way from it.
Learned I really can work for a month straight with less than six hours sleep a night and still function. Mostly.
Logged more than 70 hours in various airport lounges, and filed who knows how many stories from them, fueled by machine-made espresso shots.
Had my eyes opened to a few new corners of the world, one of which may be my new HQ.
2022 was a strange year and, to be honest, a rough one. I won’t be sorry to see it go, and am excited for whatever 2023 throws my way.
Here’s to moving on with life.